If you are a number 7 and your mate is a number 7
This meeting of the same birth numbers can make for a mystical and magical mystery. As a couple, you’d like to travel to places together where there’s the sun, sand and sea. Both of you, having an affinity to water, could walk the beach for hours, or simply stare out at the ocean. Both love to get to the bottom things and find out the cause behind them. You both are knowledgeable of the world and have a deep respect for culture, and things of a spiritual nature. When the lights are low and the door is closed, you two can work up quite a sweat, which is why you usually sleep in the buff. The months of March, May, July and October you share together. The scale on this love boat docks between 6 and 9.
If you are a number 7 and your mate is a number 8
The interesting thing about your set of birth numbers is although you don’t rank high on the emotional scale, you’ll notice number 8 persons in your life ranging from parents, to children and lovers. In a numerical sense the connection is tied to your elements. Your number is ruled by the element of water. Your number 8 interest is ruled by earth. Anything of beauty you wish to plant, always need these two elements together to make anything grow. So perhaps this is the common tie that may bind you together. You two can also germinate interesting things in the bedroom, almost experimental (smile). January and July stand out in your charts. Nature puts this on the love scale of 5 and 8.
If you are a number 7 and your mate is a number 9
In Numerology, the 7 and 9 are found on the intuitive or spiritual plane. Together as a couple, you’d love to travel and see the world in all its’ facets. And although your elements are totally opposites, your numerical energy, and what they represent, are so similar. Almost like a catch 22! You both are strong willed and have a good deal of insight into the “other world”. You’re able to stimulate each other to levels unknown before. Speaking of stimulating, sexually that is, it’s almost too much to speak of. You’re sure to do each other justice where it counts most. May and October are the months you collectively share.
Sailing on the seas of this love scale averages between 6 and 9 knots.