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Relationships and Dating


Lloyd Strayhorn’s Numerical Relationships in Dating


Did you know that not only the signs of the zodiac are attracted to each others, but so are numbers? 
This is why time honored tradition and observation have found that certain signs in the zodiac seem to be more harmonious with one than another. For example, in astrology there are signs very compatible to the other, especially signs that are ruled by the same elements of nature, such as the air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Then, there are the opposition signs. Opposition signs have a completely different way of thinking and acting from the other. Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “opposites attract”. While it may be true in some cases, as a rule a love-hate relationship can develop. Well, the rule applies to numbers as well. How does it work! Let’s say for instance you happened to be born on the 16th of the month. In numerology you are considered a number 7 person (1+6=7). Then, let’s say the other person of interest is born on the 6th of the month. Therefore this potential choice of a mate would be considered a number 6 person. To learn the potential harmony or disharmony between you and your possible mate, numerically speaking that is, go to your number in this chapter and see how you compare with theirs. Keep in mind the following descriptions are strictly between the numbers. However, it also depends under what zodiac sign you were born. It’s this combination of both your zodiac sign and the number you or your mate carry that makes for an endless combination.


The Number One Person
Born on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of any month, you are a number 1 person. This also includes those under the sign of Leo. Click on you and your mate number below to find out how compatible you are. 


Number 1 mate is Number 1,2 ,3>

Number 1 mate is Number 4,5,6>    

Number 1 mate is Number 7,8,9>




The Number Two Person
Born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, of any month, you are a number 2 person. This also includes those under the sign of Cancer.


Number 2 mate is Number 1,2,3>

Number 2 mate is Number 4,5,6>

Number 2 mate is Number 7,8,9>



The Number Three Person
Born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, of any month, you are a number 3 Person. This also includes those under the signs of Sagittarius or Pisces.


Number 3 mate is Number 1,2,3>

Number 3 mate is Number 4,5,6>

Number 3 mate is Number 7,8,9>



The Number Four Person
Born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, of any month, you are a number 4 person. This also includes those under the sign of Aquarius.


Number 4 mate is Number 1,2,3>

Number 4 mate is Number 4,5,6>

Number 4 mate is Number 7,8,9>


The Number Five Person
Born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd, of any month, you are a number 5 person. This also includes those under the signs of Gemini or Virgo.


Number 5 mate is Number 1,2,3>

Number 5 mate is Number 4,5,6>

Number 5 mate is Number 7,8,9>


The Number Six Person
Born on the 6th, 15th or 24th, of any month, you are a number 6 Person. This also includes those under the signs of Taurus or Libra.


Number 6 mate is number 1,2,3>

Number 6 mate is number 4,5,6>

Number 6 mate is number 7,8,9>


The Number Seven Person
Born on the 7th, 16th, 25th, of any month, you are a number 7 person. This also includes those under the signs of Cancer or Pisces.


Number 7 mate is number 1,2,3>

Number 7 mate is number 4,5,6>

Number 7 mate is number 7,8,9>


The Number Eight Person
Born on the 8th, 17th or 26th, of any month, you are a number 8 person. This also includes those under the sign of Capricorn.


Number 8 mate is 1,2,3>

Number 8 mate is 4,5,6>

Number 8 mate is 7,8,9>



The Number Nine Person
Born on the 9th, 18th or 27th, you are a number 9 person. This also include those born under the signs of Aries and Scorpio.


Number 9 mate is 1,2,3>

Number 9 mate is 4,5,6>

Number 9 mate is 7,8,9>


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